Dura Online | Open Tibia Server

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62 251 2022-06-19 00:55:44


Join us at https://dura-online.com or on Discord: https://discord.gg/VGg4YWy


Dura's entire premise revolved around one overarching concept: Make Tibia Challenging Again. What once was for all of us something unpredictable, unexplored, exciting and dangerous has become boring, monotonous, repetitive, unthreatening, and downright easy. We all mastered the game long ago, many of us being able to play blindfolded, knowing before we even press Submit on our character what lies ahead and exactly how to achieve it with no hardship, trial, or challenge, at each stage and each spawn. Our goal was to take the game we love and recreate it to something fresh and vital for the playerbase it has today, far more seasoned, experienced, and skilled players. Tibia for Adults. A game far harder and far more challenging, but not achieved by simply raising stats, something instead more sophisticated and multi-faceted. We believe our Release Notes below will convince you of this. Now for the second part.

Dura is team-oriented. To do the above, create both a fun and challenging game, it seemed obvious to push the game towards teamplay, compelling the different vocational strengths and abilities to be indispensable for the others, while also redesigning the 'dungeons' to be demanding beyond the capabilities of a single player. This increased the level of challenge, or knot the game presented the player, thereby also increasing the level of complex strategy (leveraging and rearranging the different tools of the vocations) to untie that knot. We want to be very clear that while it is not necessary to play as a Team, and playing solo is quite possible, we designed it in such a way that it seems far more natural to team up to get the most out of the experience.


A warning shout for everyone who comes to play: The game is Hard. There can be no understatement when saying "...death around every corner". It's not the game you are accustomed to playing or expecting. If you treat it like it is, assuming you know where everything is and how everything works, monsters, spawns, mechanics, and so on "You are dead." will play across your screen continuously. The game feels, plays, and looks like 7.4 -- but respect what has been said above and what will be listed below and take it to mind, otherwise there will be no shortage of suffering for your keyboard.

And a little clarity, Rookgaard is harder than normal Rookgaard yes, but it is Main where things start to take the real turn. Be on your guard.


Monster System

Our Monster System is one of our most core and central Changes. In Dura monsters are far more sophisticated and threatening. Each given monster, upon spawn, draws at random from a ranged pool of stats and abilities pre-set for that Creature. This means that each individual fight or confrontation will be different and unpredictable, and thus challenging, meaning fun. However we've done more than just that, we've also slightly altered the spawns to make them more varied and 'multi-colored' engendering a many-headed challenge. In a phrase you'll never ever really know what's around the corner. Our goal was to push the game away from the mastered mechanics and knowledge bases we all completed long ago, the spirit-crushing and mind-numbing grinding, to something that constantly demands you to think on your feet, employ circumstantial strategy, and tests your talents -- all using native 7.4 knowledge and skills. So spawns (types of monsters in a given area) themselves will be different, but then so will the monsters themselves who inhabit them; in the hope of multi-layered unpredictability, and that doesn't include the other parts of the Monster System we cannot reveal due to spoiling the gameplay experience (what we can say is a spawn may be different from one day or hour to the next). But please don't think we became carried away. The Monster System, as with all of Dura keeps the game in the 7.4 Spirit and Atmosphere: In explanation the spawns do not differ in essence from what you expect -- not just by Power-Level but also Aesthetic; and the monsters themselves, their abilities and stats are in keeping with what their core characteristics are. We've woven and layered nuanced changes but in terms of feel, which we strove very hard never to depart from, it's just as any other time you've entered a Dungeon in 7.4.

Mana and Spell System

Many spells have been altered. Some custom spells have been added. All Spell damage and cooldown values are Authentic 7.4, except where specifically noted. However some spells have had their mechanics altered; many buffed or nerfed in their mana-cost. Such changes in mana-cost are not absolute but based on level. [These changes were done for balancing, providing use for each spell, and game sustainability at higher levels.]

Raid System

The Raid System features all original pre 7.6 Raids totaling 50+ Raids while also boasting 180+ custom non-boss raids. The Game also features 60+ Boss Raids. The System features a balance in both frequency of Raids but also Relevance to your level, no one will be disappointed or left out. Raid Monsters will be different than Non-Raid Monsters. They may contain more loot, give more experience, act or behave differently. There are also over 1500+ mini-raids.

Boss System

Boss System consisting of Classic as well as Custom bosses. Will not spoil

Death/Loss System

Base Death Loss: 10% Experience, Skills, Magic Level, Items; 100% Container. Promotion reduces Death Loss by 3% for Experience, Skills, Magic Level, Items; 30% Container. 1 Blessing reduces Death Loss by 1% for Experience, Skills, Magic Level; 1.2% Item; 12% Container. Blessing price is dependent upon Level. Amulet of Loss's come in the form of different color-tiered amulets that each work for a different level cap. Each color tier gives full ITEM and CONTAINER loss protection up to a certain level. After that level has been reached that Amulet will no longer provide ANY protection and one will have to use the next tier up for protection. If you are below the level cap of a given Amulet you receive FULL protection. If you are above the level cap of a given Amulet you receive ZERO protection. As AOL Tiers rise so does the price of them; the higher the Tier the more expensive. All are bought from Eremo.

Armor System

The Classic Armor System is fundamentally weak and inutile. We've balanced and improved it's functionality. In its original state it leads to all sorts of imbalancing problems for the four vocations, as well as an underwhelming bang for your buck in acquiring these items and their upgrades. Our New Armor System massively improves this. It increases balance as opposed to furthering it and makes armor meaningful all while not fundamentally changing Core Gameplay Mechanic, Archetype, and Strategy.

Quest System

Dura features the original 70+ Quests. Added to those 70 it has 15+ Custom Quests. But, and we are more proud of this than the 15+ Custom Quests, it has over 230+ Custom Mini-Quests.

Advancement System

In Dura all the normal ways to acquire Experience and Skills apply but it doesn't stop there. Many other ways exist to gain both Experience and Skills. One of them has been alluded to with regards to Raids monsters, one more will be spoiled below, the rest we are not going to spoil.

The Map

Our Map's base is 7.2 Authentic. However interwoven across and throughout that base is a countless amount of Unique Content. Custom areas and custom spawns have been added to the game, all of which are designed in the 7.4 Spirit. Also there are all such changes that constitute Map alterations opposed to addition, and that is covered in our Map Playability System.

Map Playability

Playability consists of all the variability, versatility, options, and maneuverability the map affords the given Player. We've opened up the map a great deal by increasing the Paths and Channels possible to get from point A to B, allowing for ways those paths and channels can be changed, and how many different methods and mechanics can be used to effect or forestall that change. Things that are not conducive to Pictures: Pickholes, Trapdoors, Secret Tunnels, Friend-Rope Spots, Stair-Tricks, Levers and Switches offscreen and much more.

Ancient Rune System

They're different ^.- (Ancient Runes are in addition to the Standard Rune System.)

Legendary Item System

Legendary Items are the most powerful and rarest in Dura. Although as natural with Power, they will cling to skill and victory and retire from the weak. They are their own master and lend their power to whom can properly wield it.



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